Group member roles and group statistics

Change group member roles and view statistics

Group member roles and group statistics

Group members can be assigned roles within the Group. There are two options (Expert and Collaborator) and users may be examples of both, either or neither.

Types of user

Expert: Expert answers in Activities will be the answers against which other users are compared. Users assigned the Expert role will receive a star on their user icon. This is displayed next to a user's name in the Members panel.

Group members inset

Collaborator: Users assigned as Collaborators are able to add and edit Activities within the group.

To assign roles

1. Select the Group from the Groups tabs

2. Navigate to the desired user and click on the three dots

User three dots edit

3. Select either Promote to collaborator or Promote to expert

Promote to expert

Further options

There are three other Group member options, which are controlled by the three buttons at the top of the user list.

Display: You can toggle the way names and email addresses are displayed by clicking on the mail logo. This will give you the option to display either just the group member’s name, or both name and email address.

Sort: Users can be sorted by clicking on the three lines. Users can be sorted by name, by status (whether they are an Expert or Collaborator) or by their progress within assigned group activities.

Export data: Clicking on this option will download a .csv file, which is a spreadsheet that can be opened in programs like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. The file contains information for users within a group, such as their role, total number of logins, and total number of activities attempted. As with all spreadsheets of this type, the data can be sorted in any number of ways.

Three options gif


The centre column of the group dashboard visually represents statistics about the group and its members. There are three components to the statistics section:

1. The information displayed here at the top represents how many group members are currently online and how many total members the group has.

2. Hovering your mouse over the blank area below these two figures reveals group data on a time scale. The data is represented by three coloured dots, representing the times group members logged in, responded to activities, and uploaded media.

3. The bottom of this section allows users to select different time scales to display the data. Selecting Day, for instance, will display the data in hourly time increments, while the other end of the scale will display the data across a year in monthly increments.

Statistics gif

Other broad, user-based data is available in this section too. By clicking the arrows on either side of the time scale selection you can display data on the average number of responses each user has made within Activities, as well as login data. This section contains data for overall user engagement within the Group, which is displayed as a percentage.