Finding your way around

Home screen, dashboard and finding your way around the website

Finding your way around

The home page for Bridge2Practice is the dashboard which contains Learning groups, Group statistics and Assigned activities.

1. Dashboard NUMBERED orange

Some of the most common destinations within the site are:

1. Home (click to return to Dashboard)

2. Dashboard (click to return to Dashboard)

3. Activities

4. Forms

5. Media

6. Account

7. Log out

Side panel

The side panel (under the Bridge2Practice logo on the lefthand side, numbers 2-5) is the way to navigate around the Bridge2Practice website. You should see tabs for:

  • Activities: These contain the various Activities assigned to the user (e.g. student or participant) or by the user (e.g. instructor), divided by Groups.
  • Forms: This section contains the customisable building blocks of Tasks
  • Media: This section allows for the uploading of media files for use within tasks

Navigating through the content in these tabs may change the options in the side panel. Clicking Home or the Bridge2Practice logo will navigate you back to the Dashboard.

Side panel gif