Account settings

Accessing account settings and some common changes

Account settings

New users may need to make some changes to their default Account settings before they are able to proceed.

1. Instructor dashboard

In some cases, users may need to change their Account settings to gain or remove instructor-level access. Instructors (pictured above) can create Groups and Forms, while standard users (pictured below) will only see Activities and Media.

2. User dashboard

To change access levels:

1. Click on the Your Account button to bring up a list of customisable User settings (pictured below)

2. Select the instructor toggle. User access will depends on the toggle position

To reset your password:

1. Click the password change button to trigger a password reset email. This will be sent to the linked email account

2. Follow the link in that email

3. Create a new password when prompted

3. My account (edited)

You will also find options within this menu to change the display language, clear non-submitted responses and message Bridge2Practice admin.