Activity options

Further options for changing activities

Activity options

There are further Activity options, including the ability to set time constraints on Activities, and conditions which restrict how users are able to access Activities.

To access these Activity options, return to the dashboard. Then:

1. Navigate to the Assigned Activities panel and hover your cursor over an Activity.

2. Click on the three dots to bring up further Activity options.

Activity options gif

Options menu

Edit Activity: From this screen, you can add tasks to an Activity, as discussed in the tutorial on Creating Tasks.

Edit date: This option allows the instructor to set specific paramaters for an Activity's Open date and Close date (ie. when the Activity is made accessible or not accessible). Activities can also have one or the other. For example, you may wish to make an Activity available to users from a certain date and time, but with no set end date. Conversely, you may wish to make an Activity with a clear end date, but with no restriction on opening.

To edit the Activity’s date controls:

1. Click the three dots and select Edit dates

2. The editable fields are Open Date and Close Date. Each option has two fields: Set Date for date selection, and Set Time for time selection

3. Select Set Date in the desired options form to bring up a calendar from which a date may be selected

4. Select Set Time to bring up a clock from which a time may be selected. Select hours or minutes by clicking the time from the left side and then click and hold on the clock hand to select a time

5. There is no required option to save your changes. Instead, click outside of the box to return to the dashboard

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  • Edit conditions: Instructors can give Activities conditions which restrict a user’s access until certain criteria are fulfilled. The options are:

  • Enable When Activity Is Complete: This means the selected Activity will only be available to users when another Activity has already been completed.

  • Enable When Task Is Complete: Similar to the above, but instead requires users to complete a Task before the Activity is available.

  • Enable When Key Has Value: This option allows users to set Activities as only being available when a specific criterion has been completed within a Task, such as providing a particular answer or rating. Select an Activity and a Task before making a selection from the drop-down menu.