Forms and results
Viewing user results for media-and-tag tasks
Forms and results
For Forms which ask users to tag Media events, there needs to be an event log, such as an Events Timeline or Events Chart. This element of the Form displays user response data as a graph or chart. To view these results:
1. Open Media and Tagging Task 2. Apply tags to Media. When tags are applied to Media the data will display along the timeline at the bottom. 3. When the Task is completed, select Submit and then View Results.
Results for completed Tasks can be viewed by returning to the Dashboard. Then:
1. Select Activities from the side panel 2. Find the Activity for which results are to be viewed (this must be one which contains a Media and Tagging Task) Select the Activity 3. Select the desired Task from the list 4. Select View Tasks to open the side panel, and select Results from the options
![Forms results gif](
Displaying results
The graph below plots response type against the instance of this response type along the media’s timeline. This graph also displays data for frequency of response along the timeline, represented by coloured squares. Deeper colours represent a higher frequency of user response. Hovering over the individual squares will display the tag count as well as the time the tag occurred. The green dots which are displayed on some squares represent the answers given by Experts.
Different types of Forms and the different components within them will display results in different ways. For example, Forms using radio buttons will display results as a percentage of users who selected the corresponding answer.