Responses, exporting data and viewing data
Viewing and exporting user response data
Responses, exporting data and viewing data
There are many options for viewing user responses to Tasks and Activities, and for exporting that data. Many instructors may find these options useful for deeper analysis of Group responses.
Viewing responses
From the dashboard
1. Select Activities from the left hand side panel
2. Select the desired Activity
3. The side panel will show options to view Responses and Analytics. Select Responses
The column displayed will show all the Tasks within the Activity, with a number beside the Task name indicating the total number of user responses.
![Responses gif](
Displaying response data
From the responses screen, there will be three display options within the Tasks window.
![Response options gif](
Toggle Table will display user response rates on a table.
Toggle Tasks will display responses for each user as separated by Groups.
Export Data allows users to view data as a .csv file, which is downloaded and displayed in programs like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets. Users can select individual Groups from which to draw data, or multiple groups, by selecting the toggle next to the group name.
Exporting data
From Export Data, there are several data options which may be downloaded:
Export reponses: Displays data on the specific responses given by users in the selected Group or Groups.
Export tag events: This option will display data which shows when users applied tags during Tasks and what the nature of that tag was.
Export all events: This will display time stamped data across each user’s interaction with a Task. This option will download a .yaml file type which can only be opened with a source code editing program.
Once downloaded, the data contained in the spreadsheets can be ordered and manipulated in many different ways, allowing Instructors to view response rate by frequency, compare specific data sets across multiple groups, or to convert the table into custom graphs and charts.
Other ways to view user data
To view analytics from the dashboard:
1. Select Activities from the left hand side panel
2. Select the desired Activity
3. The side panel will show options to view Responses and Analytics. Select Analytics
![Response analytics gif](
This screen will display information on an activity sorted by:
- Total number of users
- Total responses
- Average responses per user for the Activity
- Average responses per user for Tasks within an Activity
Visual data: Scroll down further and data is displayed in graphs which can display a comparison of Group response rates, including plotting frequency of response against number of responses, as well as the nature of the response and a comparison of user responses against Expert responses.
Further options: At the top of the page you can toggle a open an expanded Options menu, allowing the data to be further isolated, including whether it is within a time frame, which group’s data will be displayed and data for specific users.
![Response analytics extra options gif](