Building and editing forms
Building forms yourself
What's a Form?
Forms are a necessary component of Tasks. They are the structure of the Task itself, providing the interface with which users interact. Forms may be rendered as scales to be adjusted, tags to be added to media, multiple choice question bubbles to be selected, and more.
Using public forms
Bridge2Practice contains a number of publicly available, premade Forms which can be added to user-created Tasks. To use and edit premade Forms:
1. From the dashboard, select Forms from the left hand options panel.
2. In the forms column, select Public Forms. The Forms in this list may be useful as they are, but it is more likely to provide users with a template to edit and customise to create a new Form. Please note, these forms must not be edited directly as they are public.
3. Hover over the desired Form and select the three dots.
4. Select Make a Copy and a copy of the Form will appear in the My Forms column
5. To edit the Form, hover over the Form name and __select the three dots
6. Select edit to open the editing page. See below for instructions on how to edit Forms.
It is also possible to build custom Forms, which can be edited in the same way as public Forms.
Creating a new Form
1. Select Form from the left side panel
2. Select Build Form from the bottom of the left forms column
3. Add a name when prompted. You’ll then see the Form editing screen.
![Creating forms gif](
Each new Form is created with a blank section already added. Form elements can be clicked and dragged directly into sections. Depending on the nature of the Form, you may need further sections. To add a section:
1. From the Form editing screen (see Creating a new form above), click Add section
2. From the drop down menu, select the first option Add empty section
Using template Forms
For many purposes, building a Form entirely from scratch is unnecessary. Bridge2Practice has a library of premade, template Forms which may be imported and customised. Using these as the basis of your can simplify the creation process. To import a Form template:
From the Form editing screen (see Creating a new Form above), click Add section
From the drop down menu, select the second option Add template Form
Select a Form template from the list
![Form template gif](
Template Forms can be customised and added to. Unlike public Forms, template Forms (see Using template forms above) can be edited directly. Additional form elements may be added, while the colours, button sizing and display text can all be edited from the right hand panel.
Form Elements
Building a Form from scratch, or customising premade templates, will require selecting Form Elements. The elements selected will be determined by the Task for which the Form is being constructed. Generally, Forms will be one of the following types:
Media with tag buttons
Rating forms
Multiple choice
Elements are categorised in groups in the left side panel. These are:
General: Including text, media and blank space. Text can be used for in-form instructions or questions to complement elements such as radio buttons (see Selection below)
Event tagging: Including events timelines, timestamps and tags with comments. These elements are designed for users to be able to respond to stimuli during media playback. For example, users may be asked to add a timestamp at each instance of a particular event during media playback.
Selection: Including selection button, radio button and dropdown. These elements allow users to respond to questions asked within the Form, such as multiple choice quizzes.
Inputs: Including text, numbers, dates, sliders and checkboxes. These elements cover inputs with special requirements such as selecting a date or time, as well as allowing for sliding scale inputs.
![Form elements gif](
Building a form
The type of Form you wish to create will determine the Form elements to be selected. Regardless, all Forms are built in the same way. Here's an example of how to think about building a Form with elements:
1. Make a selection by clicking and holding on a Form Element and dragging it into the Form section. There will be an empty form section in the template by default.
2. The components of the Form can be customised by clicking on them and changing parameters such as the button’s width, the label, tooltip, the size and the colour.
3. Some elements such as the Selection Buttons will have a side panel options menu with further parameters for adjustment. Adjust further parameters as needed.
4. Forms can have multiple sections too, if needed. To add another, click Add Section.
5. Once your Form is built, click Save to save your work
![Forms gif](